Books authored or edited by Jesper Jerkert


Science in Theory and Practice: An Introductory Survey. A textbook in the philosophy of science, third version, October 2019. 300 pages. ISBN 978-91-639-5347-7.


My licentiate thesis in philosophy, April 2015. 87 pages. ISBN 978-91-7595-423-3.


In October 2012 a brief encyclopedia on pseudoscience was published by Fri Tanke publishing house. The title is Från ad hoc till önsketänkande – en guide till pseudovetenskapens värld (From ad hoc to wishful thinking — a guide to the world of pseudoscience). The book is 261 pages long. ISBN 978-91-86061-52-4.


In October 2006, I finished the first edition of Akustik från grunden (paper-bound, 155 pp), a course book on basic acoustics intended for students of audionomi, i.e. experts of hearing aids, at the Karolinska Institute. In August 2009, the third edition was printed (226 pp). A sample chapter from the third edition is available. ISBN 978-91-631-8307-2. The picture above shows the first edition.


In 2007, another anthology on pseudo-science edited by me, Fakta eller fantasier ("Facts or Fantasies"), was published by Leopard Publishing House. The book could be considered a sequel to Vetenskap eller villfarelse. ISBN 978-91-7343-162-0.


I and Sven Ove Hansson, professor of philosophy at KTH, edited Vetenskap eller villfarelse ("Science or delusion"), a hardbound 348-page anthology on pseudo-science. The book was published by Leopard Publishing House in 2005. Apart from the editing, I contributed two articles on dowsing and basic experimental methodology. Other topics discussed in the book include parapsychology, alternative medicine, UFO, perpetual machines, pseudo-archaeology, astrology, cold reading, and more.

ISBN 91-7343-085-4.


In 2003 I edited a paperbound 120-page book called Antroposofin – en kritisk granskning ("Anthroposophy – A Critical Scrutiny"). I wrote an introduction, a survey of critical literature, and some concluding remarks. Other texts discuss anthroposophical medicine, the racial teachings of Rudolf Steiner, biodynamical farming, and more.

The book was published by Leopard Publishing House but is now out of print. ISBN 91-7343-046-3.

This page was updated 2020-03-14.